Adjustable: All settings are adjustable and are stored in a non volatile memory
Display: User friendly alphanumeric LCD gives you words to explain the numbers
Energy Metering: Shows daily charge and discharge amp hours
Three Step Regulation: Boost, Absorption and Float modes with an optional periodic Equalisation mode
History: Records charge and load amp hours, max and min battery voltages and state of charge for the last 30 days
Generator Control: A sophisticated generator controller is included with four different modes of control available and a quiet time option
Event Control: A versatile event controller allows the load to be turned on or off under a user selected set of conditions. Can be used for lighting, pumping , frost control etc.
Alarm: There is an adjustable low or high battery voltage alarm
Second Battery: When the main battery is full, use the waste energy to charge an auxilary battery. The PL supplies a signal to switch a relay to the second battery
Remote Control: A computer can communicate with the PL using the optional PLI RS232 interface. Data can be downloaded and settings adjusted
Protection: Protected against short circuit, reverse flow, lightning. Low battery load disconnect function built in. Current limit for over heat or over current. Conformal coating applied to protect against corrosion.
External Shunts: Two external shunts can be connected using the optional DC isolated PLS adaptor.